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Blogger Review- Fancy Monogram Decal

Blogger Review- Fancy Monogram Decal
Category: Reviews
Views: 13669
Synopsis: A blogger wrote about our Fancy Name Personalized Monogram and we just had to share!

Blogger review- read the original HERE 

Make A Statement With Beautiful Wall Decals & Giveaway!!!

terrislittlehaven (1)
My little tween daughter decided this year, for her birthday, she wanted a grown up looking room and for me to get rid of all the princess decor. As if I needed another reminder that my little girly is growing up. So we set out looking for cool and trendy ways to make her room more suitable for her age. She decided on a zebra themed room with pops of hot pink, lime green and purple. We found her bedding and I got busy painting the walls a pretty lavender and making cornices for her windows. We found a few ideas to add pizzazz to the walls, but there was one area directly above her bed that I just couldn’t decide what to do with.

That was until I found Beautiful Wall Decals online! Beautiful Wall Decals offers several thousand products to choose from, but what really stood out for me was the fact these decals were cut and not printed. The wall decals we have looked at in the stores have this clear backing to them and even after you smooth them out on the wall, you still can tell it is there. They just didn’t look right to me. My daughter is really into monogramming on everything (I even had to put it on her window cornices) so we decided to look into something along those lines to fill that empty space above her bed.


The wall decal we chose was called Fancy Name Personalized Wall Decal. This particular one is available in 4 sizes and we chose the 30 X 15 to fit perfectly in the space we wanted to fill. I wanted it in black to match the zebra theme of her room although there were 62 color choices to actually choose from! The whole ordering process was super easy, just 3 steps to complete including filling in the name for the decal. They offer free shipping on all size orders within the United States and always include a free decal to practice with first.


I was very impressed with the quick shipping of our order and just could not wait to put it up for her. After reviewing the instructions, we were able to put the decal on her wall without any trouble at all. It actually went on better than the ones I previously placed on other walls in our home. I absolutely love the way it turned out. It is the first thing you see as you open her door and makes such a huge, striking statement about her. It was the perfect solution to fill the space above her bed and just looks amazing on her wall. The scrolls are so pretty and the black is very vivid. Everyone that has seen it comments on how gorgeous it is.


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