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Connections- Social Media

Connections- Social Media
Category: Blogs
Views: 2808
Synopsis: This day in age if you aren't on social media you just don't exist... and we exist! Come check us out for extra specials, photos and deals not found anywhere else!

In this day and age you are NO-ONE if you are not online- lucky for us... our entire business is online. This doesn't mean much, though, without customers & fans. Now, while our products are awesome and we have tons of amazing customers, we do have something else that we think is invaluable; a social media presence.


Our Facebook, Google+, & Pinterest pages are not only a fabulous way for us to showcase all that we have to offer... but more importantly to get your feedback, your questions, and use it as a customer service tool.



We just broke 10,000 fans and couldn't be more psyched! We love to share our sales, customer photos, design inspirations and fan comments here- plus we give away FREE STUFF pretty frequently, and you don't want to miss that!

Follow us by clicking HERE. 


Google +:

We aren't so sure about this one, while it is cool- we haven't fully embraced it yet. Are you on G+? If so, make sure you check us out, here.



I love this site probably too much- nope, definitely too much. Our pinterest is an eclectic blend of not only our products but also recipes, motivation, information and just great ideas I need to implement in my house (and I thought you could use, too). Check it out! CLICK!


We also have a Twitter page (Here) and a Youtube Channel (but no videos yet).


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